What’s Happening at Peace Lutheran?


By Karin Messner

Despite the deceptively balmy temperatures we’ve been enjoying in recent weeks, the Holiday Season has definitely arrived!! Our Community Wide Thanksgiving Eve Service was well attended and lovely. Heard many nice comments about the beautiful harvest decorations. Equally as much appreciated was the annual Taize  Service held in our sanctuary on the last Sunday in November. This candlelit vigil adds a whole new meaning to the season.

Over the past year we have come together in celebration as well as in sadness with the birth of new life and the  passing of loved ones. We have joined together with St. Thomas Episcopal in providing meals for the needy as well as fellowship for our friends. We have entered into a whole new world of church music with the purchase of 100 new red hymnals, which will be introduced in mid January. To date more than 60 of these handsome books have been purchased in honor of, or in memory of, loved ones.

Under Pastor Mike’s excellent leadership, we have formed a series of subcommittees working with Council to find new and better ways to improve and grow our church. And this is only the beginning. On December 9th you will be asked to approve a carefully researched new budget, which is actually lower than in previous years. You will also be asked for a vote of confidence in electing an exciting new slate of officers.

Which, of course, brings me to the “thank yous” so well deserved by so many faithful members who have served Peace Lutheran over the past several years. It has been my privilege to be your President for three of those recent years, as well as council member for three years prior. I thank you for your support and your ever present willingness to help when help was needed. I am looking forward to exploring new ways to serve “Our Church” in the coming year. How about you??